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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Go Play! How Having Fun Outdoors Can Lower Your Life Insurance Rates

Playing outside isn’t just for kids. It has tons of benefits for adults. One of the unexpected ones may be that it can lead to lower life insurance rates. It’s not always easy to make yourself go outside and exercise, but knowing that the effort can keep you healthy and save you money can be enough for you get off the couch. The more fun you have exercising, the better the results will be.

Benefits of Exercise

Exercise burns calories and improves your health. Since life insurance rates are based on your health risk factors, regular physical activity can help lower your life insurance rates. These are some of the benefits of exercise.

* Lower risk for heart disease and stroke.
* Lower blood pressure.
* Lower blood sugar levels and risk for diabetes.
* Stronger bones.
* Better mood.
* Clearer mind.

Make a Commitment to Exercise

Set aside some time to exercise most days of the week. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes, but even 10 minutes is better than nothing. The trick is to find some activities that you love, and any activity that is fun and gets you moving is a good choice. These are some options.

* Walk, jog, bike, swim laps, or hike.
* Join a local sports league. On the days your league doesn’t meet, train for your sport by doing drills, lifting weights, and getting in some cardio.
* Take Zumba, boot camp or kickboxing in the park.
* Go surfing.

Take Advantage of Your Kids!

If you have children, they’re probably a significant reason why you have life insurance in the first place. Why not use them to help you get in shape? They’ll keep you laughing while you exercise.

* Play Tag, Follow the Leader, or Hide-and-Seek with younger children.
* Play catch, shoot hoops, or kick a soccer ball with older children.
* Walk around the field at your children’s sports practices, and run to chase any stray balls.

Everyone can find an activity that they love as long as they keep searching for it. Keeping yourself in shape will give you more energy and can keep your life insurance rates down.



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