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11 years ago · by · 0 comments

Workers compensation insurance pricing still rising in California

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, Workers CompensationPricing for workers compensation insurance continued to harden in California during the first half of 2013, according to a report published Wednesday by SNL Financial L.C.

California’s 10 largest workers compensation insurers by premium volume, which account for roughly 60% of the state’s marketplace, increased their rates an average of 4.3% during the first half of the year, based on filings for new business effective between Jan. 1 and July 1, according to SNL Financial’s report.

Excluding a 7% decrease filed in March by the State Compensation Insurance Fund, which is the state’s largest workers comp insurer, the average rate increase among California’s market leaders through July 1 was 5.9%. Within that group, the largest rate increases belonged to American International Group Inc. and Liberty Mutual Holding Co. Inc., which submitted rate hikes of 10.0% and 10.9%, respectively.

Statewide, rates for new workers compensation accounts were at their highest in February, when insurers in California filed average rate increases of 9.8% on $1.1 billion in premiums written, according to SNL Financial’s report.

At least 20 insurers in California included in SNL Financial’s analysis filed rate increases of 15% or more for new business in the first half of the year. Seven firms — including units of Liberty Mutual, CNA Financial Corp. and Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. — filed rate increases of 20% or more, while units of Hanover Insurance Group Inc. and American Financial Group Inc. filed rate increases in excess of 30%.

Few decreased rates

Only a handful of companies included in SNL Financial’s analysis reported rate decreases in the first half of 2013. Among them was Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange, Church Mutual Insurance Co. and units of Nationwide and Utica National Insurance Group.

California’s workers comp market has been particularly bothersome for Tower Group International Ltd., SNL Financial said in the report.

Tower Group cited market conditions in California, where roughly 44% of the company’s workers compensation premiums are written, as one key driver behind the $326.7 million reserve charge it reported in its second-quarter earnings statement. Several of the company’s operating units in March were granted rate hikes of 6.2% for new business in California, and one unit — Preserver Insurance Co. — filed a rate increase of 17.1%.

Read the entire article here.

Contact Scurich Insurance Services today at 831-722-3541 to find out how we can assist you with all of your business insurance needs including workers compensation.

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Scurich Insurance ServicesDo you know that Scurich Insurance Services, located in California, is on some of your favorite Social Media Sites? All of our helpful and friendly agents at Scurich Insurance Services want to invite you to connect with us so that we can get to know YOU better and provide more outlets for you to learn about all the different insurance related topics.

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12 years ago · by · 0 comments

Why Would a Young Person Get Life Insurance?

According to the Life Foundation,

Brigette Hunter was just 27, and a new mother, when she was widowed. Her husband, Matt, was killed in a car accident. To compound her pain, she had to borrow money from her parents to pay for Matt’s funeral, as he had no life insurance.

Just six months later, friends introduced Brigette to Anthony. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, but Anthony was persistent. “He could sell snow to an Eskimo,” Brigette says. They married and soon opened their own electrical business. With the business and three children to support, the couple bought small life insurance policies. Lisa Rinehart, a financial professional, met them several years later, determined that they needed considerably more life insurance, and helped them through the buying process.

A year later, Anthony found a bump on his chin. He had recently walked through a spider web at a job site and assumed it was a bite. But it didn’t go away, and Anthony learned it was melanoma, a cancer he had battled as a teenager. It soon spread to his lungs, brain and bones.

Still wanting to provide for his family, Anthony invoked a provision in one of his life insurance policies that allowed for an early payout to a terminally ill policyholder, and used part of his death benefit to buy a nicer home for his family. He oversaw renovations and was able to spend a month in the house before he died at 34.

The remaining money from Anthony’s policies helped Brigette pay off medical bills and meet her household expenses. It also kept the business afloat. She could make payroll and pay vendors while she and her foreman reassured clients that the business would continue. “Without the money I would have had to close,” she says.

Scurich Insurance Services know that life insurance is a necessity for every family.  Contact them today to see how a policy can fit into your budget.   800-320-3666

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12 years ago · by · 0 comments

What Do You Think About Us?

Our Happy Customer program is specially designed to capture your feedback and opinion. If you would also like to share your experience with Scurich Insurance Services, please do participate in Happy Customer. We would love to hear from you!

Here are a few testimonials from some of our Happiest Customers!

sharon j.  watsonville,  CA
We have been with Scurich Insurance for over twenty years and have always been extremely satisfied with the services they provide our company. No high pressure sales pitch, just professionals who work with us to find the right policies to fit our business needs. The entire staff makes us feel as if we are their most important client. A rarity in today’s business climate.


Louis I.  Corralitos,  CA
Countlessadvertisements depict “Flo”, or a gecko, as possible advocates in theinsurance arena. Hopefully our competitors will take the bait and settle on afictitious character or a reptile to save a few bucks. Our firm sees the valuein the genuine article, the seasoned professional. The Scurich Family hasprovided both insurance products and valued advice to my family for threegenerations. Many uncertainties exist today in business; fortunately, theexcellence with which Scurich Insurance Services serves its clients is not oneof them. Their expertise, as a broker, to competitively shop for coverages, hashelped us manage costs–without unnecessary exposure. We have referred severalfriends and colleagues to the Scurich agency, for both commercial and personallines, all of whom have experienced the same high level of professionalism fromthe partners and their well-trained, courteous staff. I look forward to the daywhen the fourth generations of our two families are able to continue thismutually beneficial relationship. 


LouisIvanovich, V.P.

WestLake Fresh, Watsonville, CA

All of our agents at Scurich Insurance Services will answer any questions that you may have regarding your insurance policy with us. We would like to invite you to take our Happy Customer Survey and tell us why you are a Happy Customer of ours and we would like to invite you to connect with us on Facebook.

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12 years ago · by · 0 comments

Happy Customers Wanted

Our Happy customer program is specially designed to capture your feedback and opinion.

If you would also like to share your experience with Scurich Insurance, please do participate in Happy Customer. We would love to hear from you!

Here are a few testimonials from some of our Happiest Customers!

“Tony Scurich and his staff have a great reputation for service to their customers. Tony has also been a very active volunteer for Boy Scouting in Watsonville for many years, as well as other community organizations.”  Charles H. Concord, CA

“you can always depend on their consistency with quality people, quality service and reasonable commercial rates. They’ve helped me in a pinch more than once. I highly recommend them!” Eddie O.  Morgan Hill, CA

“My family has been a Scurich Insurances client since the 1950s. I have conducted almost all my insurance business, both property rental operations and personal, through Scurich Insurance Services. I rely on the knowledgeable insurance brokers, agents, and staff at Scurich Insurance to advise me regarding my insurance needs and the best coverages and companies to meet those needs in a cost effective way. With the changing nature of the insurance industry since 2000, it is comforting to know I can trust Mike, Tony, Mary, and others at Scurich Insurance to give me good advice. And their customer service is great. They are there and helpful when I have questions, some problem, a claim, or even a complaint about some insurance requirment. Paul Milladin Milladin Properties LLC”  Paul M.  Watsonville, CA

Please complete this simple Satisfaction Survey and tell us how you feel about our service!

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12 years ago · by · 0 comments

We Want To Hear From You!

Down through the ages Scurich Insurance Services, located on the central coast of California, has developed an expertise in Customer’s support by not working for you but working with you instead. Rather speaking about ourselves, we  let our work speak by itself through our customers.In Business Review 360° our customers provide us their feedback which confirms you are at the right landmark for your insurance.

Here is a testimonial from one of our Happiest Customers from our Business Review 360° page!

“I have had Scurich Insurance cover my home, vehicles, trailer and boat for so many years I can’t remember who I had last.  I haven’t spent any time shopping around because due to previous experience I have been well taken care of after many incidents in my life that required assistance, attention and insurance coverage.  To me that is worth any money that I might save by leaving for a less expensive company.  Thank you.”
Stacey T.  Truckee,  CA

Countlessadvertisements depict “Flo”, or a gecko, as possible advocates in theinsurance arena. Hopefully our competitors will take the bait and settle on afictitious character or a reptile to save a few bucks. Our firm sees the valuein the genuine article, the seasoned professional. The Scurich Family hasprovided both insurance products and valued advice to my family for threegenerations. Many uncertainties exist today in business; fortunately, theexcellence with which Scurich Insurance Services serves its clients is not oneof them. Their expertise, as a broker, to competitively shop for coverages, hashelped us manage costs–without unnecessary exposure. We have referred severalfriends and colleagues to the Scurich agency, for both commercial and personallines, all of whom have experienced the same high level of professionalism fromthe partners and their well-trained, courteous staff. I look forward to the daywhen the fourth generations of our two families are able to continue thismutually beneficial relationship.LouisIvanovich, V.P.Louis I.  C.  Watsonville, CA

Scurich Insurance Services would like to invite you to take our Happy Customer Survey so that your testimonial on why you are a Happy Customer of ours will appear on our Business Reviews 360° page.


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Scurich Insurance Services
Phone: (831) 661-5697
Fax: (831) 661-5741

783 Rio Del Mar Blvd., Suite7,
Aptos, Ca 95003-4700

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Watsonville, CA 95077-1170

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