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3 years ago · by · 0 comments

Lunch at The Farm Bakery Cafe & Gifts

I had lunch at The Farm (The Farm Bakery Cafe & Gifts ) on Wed with Dave Whiting and Dave Dias.

Had a fantastic meal with great conversation. It’s been several years since I’ve been there. They are well known for their fruit tarts which were excellent as usual.  They also do a lot more now, breakfast, lunch and a whole host of yummy bakery products.

Here is link to their extensive menu-

If you are in the area, go check out The Farm, I highly recommend it!

Your Insurance Agent,

Tony Scurich

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5 years ago · by · 0 comments

Add Fruit and Veggies on the Grill and Boost Your Summer Health

You already cook meat on the grill. Why not add fruits and veggies? They help you boost your summer nutrition and taste delicious.

Choose Fresh Produce

Whether you decide to grill pineapple, watermelon, corn or asparagus, make sure it’s fresh. Ideally, the produce you grill should be firm and picked within the past three days.

Brush on the Oil

You’ll want to stock quality canola, olive or coconut oil in your pantry before you grill produce. It adds extra flavor to your grilled produce and a light coating works together with foil packets or a non-stick grate to ensure the fruits and veggies don’t stick to the grill.

Mix a Few Marinades

In addition to the oil, prepare a few marinades. Olive oil infused with herbs, raspberries, mint or other flavorings, honey and low-fat or Greek yogurt enhance the taste of your grilled produce.

Leave the Skin On

The skin of many fruits and veggies contains healthy nutrients. So, leave veggie skins on when you grill them and maximize the nutrient content of the grilled veggies you eat. Most fruits, however, grill better without the skin.

Pre-Cook Some Veggies

Certain veggies cook more evenly on the grill when you pre-cook them in the kitchen. To prep asparagus, beets, broccoli, parsnips, potatoes, squash and carrots for grilling, steam or blanch them until they’re al dente. Alternatively, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, mushrooms, onions and eggplant will cook evenly when you grill them raw.

Use the Right Temperature

When you cook fruits and veggies over moderately hot coals, the outside could cook faster than the inside. You’ll want to rotate the produce between direct and indirect heat so that each piece cooks evenly and completely.

Whether you cook for one or 100, prepare fruits and veggies on the grill and enjoy a summer nutrition boost. They help you stay healthy, and you’ll feel good knowing that you’re helping your family and friends stay healthy, too.

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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

Thanksgiving Cooking Safety

DeepFryingTurkeyThanksgiving, one of the busiest and most anticipated holidays, is right around the corner. While everyone is undoubtedly focused on the food, football and shopping that are the highlights of the long weekend, it is also important to keep safety at the forefront of your mind as well. Staying safe starts at home. Being aware of some basic safe cooking practices can make your holiday both tasty and safe.

Caring for the Turkey

The star of the dinner table, the turkey, demands special care and attention. If it is frozen, it must be thawed using one of three methods: in the refrigerator, in the microwave or in cold water. Never thaw the bird on the countertop as that could allow harmful bacteria to multiple unabated. Regardless of the method that you use to thaw your turkey, it should be cooked immediately to prevent the multiplication of that bacteria.

Stay Clean

Cleanliness is of utmost importance any time during cooking. It is particularly important, however, during Thanksgiving due to the volume of food that is typically prepared. The large size of the turkey also can make it difficult to handle.

Be sure to start with a clean work surface as well as clean hands and utensils. Keep raw foods – particularly meats – away from other foods to avoid contaminating cooked foods. Always wash everything raw foods touch – work surfaces, your hands, utensils – before using them with other foods.

Cooking Basics

When cooking foods – especially the turkey – keep the oven temperature at 325 degrees Fahrenheit or above. In order to ensure even cooking throughout, make sure the turkey is completely thawed. The internal temperature when checked on the meaty parts of the bird – the thigh, wing joint and breast – should read at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to refrigerate foods within two hours of being cooked to avoid an abundance of harmful bacteria that could sicken everyone.

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11 years ago · by · 0 comments

Summer Health Tips

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, Summer health tipsSummertime is synonymous with backyard barbecues and cooling cocktails.  Barbecue ribs, sausages, chicken, steaks, burgers, and hot dogs are permanent fixtures on the menu.   Just because it’s summer, doesn’t mean that you have to pig out on unhealthy food.  In fact, it’s a perfect time to try out some new recipes for the barbecue.

  1. Make your own homemade popsicles with 100% fruit juice and an ice tray.
  2. Jazz up your salad.  Instead of the same ol’ same ol’, throw in some different greens, add some spice, nuts, and fish.  Fresh salmon is a huge hit with a lot of recipes.
  3. Use more fresh oils.  Some favorites are olive oil, grapeseed oil, walnut oil, peanut oils, and sesame oils.
  4. Drinks lots of H2o.
  5. Find the season’s best fresh fruit and enjoy.  The fruit is also a healthy dessert.
  6. Cucumbers are versatile.  Cucumbers are delicious in salads (think-cucumber and tomato salad) or as appetizers (think-sliced cucumbers with Greek dressing and Feta cheese).
  7. Grill those vegetables.  Vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini are great for grilling.
  8. Make your own fruit juice.
  9. Forget the ice cream, get the frozen yogurt.  Mixed it up and add more than one flavor.
  10. Add more fish to your grill.

This summer spice up your grill, menu and health!

Content provided by Transformer Marketing.

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11 years ago · by · 0 comments

Easy Easter Ham Recipe-Classic Glazed Ham

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, Car accidentScurich Insurance Services, CA, Easter Egg HuntScurich Insurance Services, CA, Car accidentScurich Insurance Services, CA, Easter ham1 9 -to-10-pound bone-in fully cooked smoked ham (butt or shank half)
2 tablespoons whole cloves (optional)
1 1/2 cups glaze

Remove the ham from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature, about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Trim off any skin from the ham. Use a sharp paring knife to score through the fat in a diagonal crosshatch pattern without cutting through to the meat. Insert the cloves into the ham (if using), placing them at the intersections of the cuts.

Put the ham, flat-side down, on a rack in a roasting pan. Pour 1/4 inch water into the bottom of the pan. Transfer to the oven and roast until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the ham registers 130 degrees F, about 2 hours, 30 minutes (about 15 minutes per pound).

Increase the oven temperature to 425 degrees F. Pour half of the glaze (see below for glazes) over the ham and brush to coat. If the water in the bottom of the pan has evaporated, add more. Return the ham to the oven and roast, basting every 10 minutes with the remaining glaze, until glossy and well browned, about 45 more minutes.

Total Time:
3 hr 55 min
40 min
3 hr 15 min
Yield:12 servings

Ham Glazes:

Apple-Maple Glaze

Boil 2 cups apple cider in a saucepan over medium-high heat until reduced to 1/2 cup, 8 to 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to low; add 1/2 cup each apple jelly and maple syrup, 1/4 cup whole-grain mustard, 1/2 teaspoon allspice and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.

Mustard-Orange Glaze

Mix 1 cup light brown sugar, 3/4 cup dijon mustard and the grated zest and juice of 1 orange in a bowl.

Recipe and image provided by:

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11 years ago · by · 0 comments

Who’s watching the Superbowl?

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, FootballThe best defense in the NFL meets the best offense in the NFL this weekend for what is going to be nothing short of an electrifying, on the edge of your seat Superbowl game.  The hype with surrounding whether or not Peyton can play in cold weather (which he proved to everyone he can when he led the Broncos to a 58-21 win over the Titans in 15 degree weather), is adding so much more to this game.

Create your own Supperbowl!

We have all seen them.  The huge party platters in the shape of a football stadium.  We have the recipe here for you.

Denver is on a mission.  Last year, they were knocked out of the race for the Superbowl when the Ravens beat the Broncos in double overtime.  This year, Peyton and Company’s offense boasts more points scored and yards gained than any other team.  In the past, Denver has been to the Superbowl six times and have won twice.

Seattle is looking for retribution.  The last time Pete Carroll led the Seahawks to the Superbowl was in 2005 against the Pittsburgh Steelers.  At Ford Field, the Steelers beat the Seahawks 21-10.  To this day, calls the referees made that day were nothing short of questionable and may have cost the Seahawks the game.   This will be the second appearance for Seattle at the Superbowl.

The match up:

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, Match up

 Content provided by Transformer Marketing, and

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Scurich Insurance Services
Phone: (831) 661-5697
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