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2 months ago · by · 0 comments

Happy Holidays! Protect Your New Smart TV From Hackers

The brand new Smart TV you receive for the holidays adds value to your home entertainment system. Connect it to the internet and use a remote control, smartphone or tablet to watch movies and videos, post photos to social media sites, and access apps such as Netflix and Skype. Despite its smart features, your Smart TV can be hacked. Take steps to protect your new Smart TV from hackers.

How are Smart TVs Hacked?

While technology manufactures work tirelessly to patch potential security problems in smartphone and computer technology, Smart TV manufacturers haven’t been as vigilant. Hackers can gain access to your Smart TV via an unsecure internet connection or application source codes. They can then perform several malicious or invasive tasks.

  • Steal your credit card information or identity.
  • Access your passwords.
  • Utilize voice recognition software for data-mining purposes.
  • Use your browsing history to send you targeted ads or instant advertising messages.
  • Turn the camera on and spy on your or your possessions.
  • Take over social media apps and post questionable, offensive or inappropriate content on your behalf.
  • Access and modify files.

How to Prevent Hackers

You can take several steps to deter hackers and protect your Smart TV.

  • Update firmware and patches regularly.
  • Utilize the firewalls on your Smart TV and network router.
  • Perform regular malware scans.
  • Check for data-mining language in your TV’s manual, features or settings. Turn off or disable any data sharing permissions if possible.
  • Separate your device networks. Use one for your Smart TV and another for other devices so a hacker can’t access all your internet-connected devices.
  • Exercise caution when browsing the internet. Consider reserving your TV for entertainment purposes, and use your secure smartphone or computer to browse the internet, perform online banking tasks or shop.
  • Inspect instant messages that pop up on your TV screen. Only open messages from reputable and reliable sources.
  • Cover the camera. A piece of tape or paper prevents a third party from accessing the TV’s camera and spying on you and your family.
  • Disconnect the internet. When your Smart TV is not in use, disconnect it from the internet so hackers cannot access the device.
  • Discuss ways you can secure your specific Smart TV with its manufacturer.
  • Purchase cyber insurance. It can protect you if your preventative efforts fail and a hacker uses your personal information, data or TV for unlawful purposes.

You can protect your new Smart TV from hackers when you take these preventative measures. They protect your personal information, secure your new device and protect you and your family.

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3 months ago · by · 0 comments

November is Real Jewelry Month: Are Your Jewels Insured Adequately?

Valued at $46.2 million, the Graff Pink diamond is one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in the world. Your jewelry box might not hold anything that priceless, but you certainly want to insure your valuable or sentimental pieces, including the diamond cufflinks you wore at your wedding or your grandmother’s ruby brooch. November is Real Jewelry Month and the perfect time to make sure your necklaces, bracelets, rings and other real jewelry are insured.

1. Hire an Independent Appraiser

An independent appraiser will carefully and thoroughly inspect each piece of jewelry you own, and he or she will then determine the exact value of your works of art. Be sure to obtain a signed document that includes a detailed description and appraiser’s value for each piece.

2. Check Your Current Insurance Policy

Most homeowner or renter insurance policies include cash value or replacement coverage for personal belongings. As long as that figure is high enough to cover everything you own, including your real jewelry, you’re set.

3. Purchase a Rider

If your current policy does not cover your valuable gems, purchase a rider. It offers additional coverage for your precious collection.

4. Take Pictures of all Your Pieces

The police need detailed descriptions of your jewelry if a piece is lost or stolen. Take detailed pictures of each piece to increase the likelihood of recovery.

5. Update Your Inventory Regularly

Once you’re sure your jewelry is adequately insured, mark your calendar for an annual inventory review. Add new pieces you recently purchased and remove pieces you sold or gave away to ensure your collection is completely covered.

6. Inspect Your Jewelry

As part of your annual review; take your jewelry for an inspection. The jeweler will look for loose settings, chips or scratches. Take new pictures after any needed repairs are made.

7. Store Your Jewelry in a Safe Place

Insurance will replace your real jewelry if it’s lost, stolen or damaged, but don’t take chances. A fireproof safe hidden in your home or a safety deposit box at the bank protects your gems, especially if you own expensive pieces that you wear only on rare occasions.

You do not want to file a claim for stolen jewelry and find out it wasn’t insured. Follow these tips and talk to your insurance agent today as you protect your valuable collection and celebrate Real Jewelry Month.

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5 months ago · by · 0 comments

Backyard BBQ This Labor Day Weekend?

When you host neighborhood barbecues or invite your friends’ kids over to play in the yard, you could be responsible if someone gets hurt. Ensure you have premises liability insurance to protect your assets.

What is Premises Liability?

Visitors who suffer an injury while on your property could sue you. You could be responsible for their medical treatment, legal fees and other damages under premises liability laws. Before your next neighborhood party, verify your premise liability responsibility.

Know the Nature of the Injured Party

In general, visitors to your property fall into one of three categories. They may be a licensee, business invitee or trespasser. Your liability and responsibility for a visitor’s safety depend on their classification.


If you have invited or allowed a neighbor onto your property, they’re considered a licensee. You have the responsibility to take reasonable care to ensure a licensee’s safety. For example, if you know one of the deck steps is loose, you should fix the step, but if you run out of time, you can simply warn your neighbor of the danger and not be liable for any injuries.

Business Invitee

A neighbor who shops at your yard sale or stops by to discuss fixing your broken steps through her remodeling company falls into the category of a business invitee. In this case, you have invited them onto your property for business, and you must actively inspect your property for safety hazards, dangers and risks and repair any issues before a business invitee steps foot onto your property.


Someone who enters your property without a specific invitation or your implied permission is considered a trespasser. This category applies to the neighborhood kid who opens the gate and plays on your swingset when you’re not home or the neighbor who crashes your barbecue without an invitation. Typically, you don’t have to warn a trespasser of potential hazards around your home or make repairs to keep him or her safe. However, check your local laws because they may include different requirements.

Understand your Status as a Homeowner or a Possessor

Your status as a homeowner or property possessor determines your liability during a premises liability claim. For example, if you rent your home to a tenant, you might not be liable for injuries that occur on the property. Check your local laws to verify your responsibility.

Purchase Adequate Insurance

While you always want to remove hazards and dangers on your property before you invite the neighbors over, purchase homeowners insurance, too. It should have premises liability and adequate coverage for any liability. Your agent can help you analyze your assets and choose appropriate coverage limits that provide financial peace of mind.

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10 months ago · by · 0 comments

Backyard Trampoline Safety and a Homeowner’s Liability

Trampolines help your kids burn off excess energy, and they’re a great weight loss tool for you. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all consumers avoid using trampolines because unsafe use of this backyard toy can cause head and neck injuries, fractures and sprain. As a homeowner, don’t set up a backyard trampoline until you find out more about your liability.

Check Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Trampolines are fun, but the expenses could quickly outweigh any enjoyment. Some insurance companies will not insure your home if you have a trampoline. They may either cancel your policy or exclude coverage for any trampoline-related injuries. Either way, you’ll be personally liable for any injuries that occur.

Set It Up Properly

If your homeowners insurance policy does cover your trampoline, be sure you set it up properly as you increase its safe operation.

*Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when setting up and using the trampoline.
*If possible, place the trampoline at ground level rather than above ground.
*Remove tree branches and other hazards located nearby.
*Provide adequate padding on the springs as you prevent pinching.
*Secure a safety net around the trampoline.
*Inspect the trampoline and all its parts regularly for wear and tear.

Provide Constant Supervision

Guests who are injured while using your trampoline can sue you. Be sure you provide constant supervision to ensure everyone practices safe jumping. That means only one person at a time should jump, and no one should do somersaults or flips, two major causes of spine injuries.

Fence-In Your Yard

You’re liable for injuries that occur by anyone who uses your trampoline, even if the jumper doesn’t have your permission or trespasses in your lawn. Protect yourself with a tall fence. It should have a self-latching lock on the gate for greater security.

Your family and friends can enjoy fun in your backyard thanks to your trampoline. Be sure to understand your liability, though, before you install one.

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11 months ago · by · 0 comments

Backyard Trampoline Safety and a Homeowner’s Liability

Trampolines help your kids burn off excess energy, and they’re a great weight loss tool for you. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all consumers avoid using trampolines because unsafe use of this backyard toy can cause head and neck injuries, fractures and sprain. As a homeowner, don’t set up a backyard trampoline until you find out more about your liability.

Check Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Trampolines are fun, but the expenses could quickly outweigh any enjoyment. Some insurance companies will not insure your home if you have a trampoline. They may either cancel your policy or exclude coverage for any trampoline-related injuries. Either way, you’ll be personally liable for any injuries that occur.

Set It Up Properly

If your homeowners insurance policy does cover your trampoline, be sure you set it up properly as you increase its safe operation.

*Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when setting up and using the trampoline.
*If possible, place the trampoline at ground level rather than above ground.
*Remove tree branches and other hazards located nearby.
*Provide adequate padding on the springs as you prevent pinching.
*Secure a safety net around the trampoline.
*Inspect the trampoline and all its parts regularly for wear and tear.

Provide Constant Supervision

Guests who are injured while using your trampoline can sue you. Be sure you provide constant supervision to ensure everyone practices safe jumping. That means only one person at a time should jump, and no one should do somersaults or flips, two major causes of spine injuries.

Fence-In Your Yard

You’re liable for injuries that occur by anyone who uses your trampoline, even if the jumper doesn’t have your permission or trespasses in your lawn. Protect yourself with a tall fence. It should have a self-latching lock on the gate for greater security.

Your family and friends can enjoy fun in your backyard thanks to your trampoline. Be sure to understand your liability, though, before you install one.

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1 year ago · by · 0 comments

Prep for Holiday Visitors – Review Your Home Insurance Policy

With the upcoming holidays, your house is going to be filled with guests. Is your pantry filled and your bathroom clean? Even more importantly, update your home insurance policy as you prepare to welcome guests to your home for the holidays.

What Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover?

Most homeowners buy insurance to cover property damages from storms or accidents. It also covers personal property that’s lost, damaged or stolen. Plus, homeowner’s insurance pays for medical treatment or lawsuits associated with injuries people sustain while visiting you.

Make Sure you Have Enough Liability Coverage

You don’t expect accidents to happen in your house, but a visitor could trip over frayed carpet, get food poisoning or fall off the backyard trampoline. Or maybe the traditional Thanksgiving day football game gets rough, and your cousin’s expensive watch breaks, a seasonal storm blows a branch on your friend’s vehicle or the toilet overflows on your uncle’s expensive leather shoes. These injuries and damages are all examples of accidents that liability insurance covers.

Increase Your Coverage Limit

To ensure you have enough liability coverage, check out your policy and talk to your insurance agent. Most policies include a liability coverage limit of $100,000, but you should consider increasing that limit to $300,000 or even $500,000. An accident that affects more than one guest could quickly use up that coverage and leave you with a big bill. The increased coverage limit ensures everyone can receive medical treatment, and it reduces your out-of-pocket expenses if you’re sued.

Buy an Umbrella Policy

An umbrella policy is another insurance product to consider. It adds additional coverage that could be very beneficial as you entertain guests this holiday season.

Because you plan to host holiday guests this year, do more than stock the pantry and clean the bathroom. Update your homeowner’s insurance policy. It gives you peace of mind and prepares you for anything that might happen.

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Company information

Scurich Insurance Services
Phone: (831) 661-5697
Fax: (831) 661-5741

783 Rio Del Mar Blvd., Suite7,
Aptos, Ca 95003-4700

PO Box 1170
Watsonville, CA 95077-1170

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(831) 661-5697

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