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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

4 Tips for Safe Driving in the Rain

cars flooded on side of the roadAs the winter months approach, more people will find themselves driving on wet roads from the additional amount of rainfall. Unfortunately, many drivers experience rate hikes in insurance premiums as a result of minor fender-benders in the rain; however, by taking a few small steps to improve driving skills during wet roads, drivers can avoid the majority of road condition-related accidents.


Ultimately, your tires are the only real thing touching the pavement, and in so doing, they are the only thing capable of coming to a stop when you apply the brakes. Every three-months or when you have an oil change, check the tread depth of your tires. If the tread has worn away to less than one-fourth inch, you need to replace the tires. The simplest means of checking the tread depth uses a penny. Turn a penny upside-down and stick it with Lincoln’s head pointing towards the inside of the tire. If you are able to see his head, your tread is too low.

Windshield Wipers

While windshield wipers may not sound like they will prevent a terrible accident, they allow you to have clarity when driving during the rain or while the road is still wet. As the blades age, they crack, chip, and wear away. If you notice unusual streaking or a lack of removal of raindrops, you need to replace your windshield wipers. Most modern vehicles possess universal windshield wiper attachments, and you can change them in less than 5-minutes.

Headlights and Taillights 

Every six-months, check the clarity of your headlights, taillights, turn signals, and any other safety lights on your vehicle. Dull lights can result in other drivers being unable to see your vehicle approaching. Furthermore, you will not be able to see the road clearly, especially during heavy rain.

Slow Down

Although making sure your tires, windshield wipers, and lights work properly, you still need to be careful with your speed when the road is wet. High speeds and wet roads result in delayed reactions to potentially hazardous situations with other drivers. Take plenty of time while driving on wet roads, and you will stay safe and keep your insurance premiums in check.

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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

Thanksgiving Cooking Safety

DeepFryingTurkeyThanksgiving, one of the busiest and most anticipated holidays, is right around the corner. While everyone is undoubtedly focused on the food, football and shopping that are the highlights of the long weekend, it is also important to keep safety at the forefront of your mind as well. Staying safe starts at home. Being aware of some basic safe cooking practices can make your holiday both tasty and safe.

Caring for the Turkey

The star of the dinner table, the turkey, demands special care and attention. If it is frozen, it must be thawed using one of three methods: in the refrigerator, in the microwave or in cold water. Never thaw the bird on the countertop as that could allow harmful bacteria to multiple unabated. Regardless of the method that you use to thaw your turkey, it should be cooked immediately to prevent the multiplication of that bacteria.

Stay Clean

Cleanliness is of utmost importance any time during cooking. It is particularly important, however, during Thanksgiving due to the volume of food that is typically prepared. The large size of the turkey also can make it difficult to handle.

Be sure to start with a clean work surface as well as clean hands and utensils. Keep raw foods – particularly meats – away from other foods to avoid contaminating cooked foods. Always wash everything raw foods touch – work surfaces, your hands, utensils – before using them with other foods.

Cooking Basics

When cooking foods – especially the turkey – keep the oven temperature at 325 degrees Fahrenheit or above. In order to ensure even cooking throughout, make sure the turkey is completely thawed. The internal temperature when checked on the meaty parts of the bird – the thigh, wing joint and breast – should read at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to refrigerate foods within two hours of being cooked to avoid an abundance of harmful bacteria that could sicken everyone.

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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

Tips to Keep Your Guests Safe During Thanksgiving

Scurich InsuranceThanksgiving – that joyous and exciting holiday that kicks off the season – often means not only an abundance of food but as an increase in the number of people in your home. Whether you are hosting the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, you are providing a place for out of town guests to bunk or both, taking a few minutes to evaluate your home from the eyes of someone who is unfamiliar with it can help prevent an accident and smooth the way for a pleasant holiday. 

Light it Up

Before your guest arrive, make sure that your house number is sufficiently illuminated to help people who are unfamiliar with your home avoid missing it. Ensure that the walkway or sidewalk to your front door is well lit and that your front porch has plenty of lighting as well.

Keep Steps and Railings in Good Repair 

Repair any loose or crumbling steps or bricks that could cause guests to fall. Fix railings firmly to limit wobbling and ensure that any decorations, such as garland, do not keep guests from using the railings to steady themselves as they enter your home.

Watch for These Hazards Inside Your Home

If you plan to use folding or card tables that you do not typically use in order to accommodate extra family members, be sure that they are in good repair before the big day. Keep colorful candies out of reach as they might be a choking hazard for small children. Secure any loose rugs that might cause your guest to trip over them.

Make sure that hallways and stairwells are free of hazards such as toys and pets, and that they are well lit at all times. Ensure that the bathroom is uncluttered and fully stocked for the comfort of your guests whether they are just visiting for a few hours or they are staying overnight.

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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

Cyber Liability Insurance

Scurich Insurance Services - CANearly every aspect of the workforce utilizes the internet at some point throughout the course of any given day. In addition, the majority of Americans have internet access in their homes as well as through mobile devices. Unfortunately, the internet allows for people to conduct themselves unprofessionally or commit crimes, such as identify theft, making unauthorized transactions, or using fraudulent business practices. In order to protect business owners, employees, and every day citizens, many find the purchase of Cyber Liability insurance beneficial.

What is Cyber Liability Insurance?

Cyber Liability Insurance covers a person or group of people from the consequences of unauthorized access to personal information and illegal activity on the internet. Without the need to be physically present for online businesses to conduct transactions, hackers, disgruntled employees, and strangers can cause many complications for a business or person.

“I trust my employees, so should I purchase Cyber Liability Insurance?”

Yes. While you don’t want to appear standoffish to your employees, you will be the one person held responsible for the activity conducted on your premises and online presence. Furthermore, the rise of social media has given millions of people the opportunity to cause irreparable damage to your business’s reputation, which can extend into your personal life outside of the workplace as well. Sadly, the news is riddled with stories of employees deciding to utilize an employer’s resources for their own financial gain, which can include instances of insider trading, promotion of illegal, pornographic material, and driving clients away to other businesses.

In order to protect your investment in your business, or even your own personal life, you need to obtain a policy to cover the risks associated with the use of the internet. While protecting yourself financially, a Cyber Liability policy adds merit to you and your employees’ moral and ethical decisions. It’s better to be prepared for the worst, than to risk financial ruin.

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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

Workers Compensation – What Determines My Premium?

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, Workers CompensationIn California, nearly all employers – even those who have only one employee – must provide workers’ comp insurance. However, there could be exceptions for farm workers or family members. While such insurance is often viewed as being a vehicle that protects and serves the employee, having this insurance also prevents the employer from being sued if a worker is injured during the course of their job duties. This helps to protect the long term health of the business. Employers in California are responsible for paying the full cost of the premium for workers’ comp insurance.

Although the factors that determine the premium that must be paid are variable, there are three primary ones: the business classification code, the business’ safety record and its experience modification.

  • The business classification code is a code or a combination of codes that describes your business operations. Restaurants, for example, have different risks than construction companies and hair salons, though they do share some of the same issues as well. The higher the risk for injury to employees while on the job, generally the higher the premium the employer faces.
  • A business’s safety record that reflects compliance with industry standard safety practices involving equipment and procedures will reflect favorably on its premium. Conversely, a poor safety record or a company that is out of compliance with OSHA regulations will likely face higher premiums until the issues are addressed for several billing cycles.
  • The experience modification involves the number of claims against the workers’ comp insurance. The fewer the claims against this
    insurance, the lower the premiums will drop over time while more claims will increase the cost of workers’ comp.

Other factors that are often used to determine the cost of an employer’s workers’ comp insurance. These include special dividend or group programs the business might be eligible for as well as underwriting adjustments that are out of the ordinary such as using a health care organization that is certified.

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