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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Five Employee Safety Tips

Best practices and laws, policies and rules are important foundations for building a workplace safety program. But, they are not nearly enough. A truly safe working environment is then management and line employees share in the workplace safety effort. Employees who name a hazard should never feel threatened or that he or she will be subject to recriminations. Words of praise are the least for alert people and tickets to a sporting event, movie, or show let them know their alertness counts. Following are some common issues found in most workplaces that management and floor employees should look for.

1. Identify Hazardous Places
When employees first start, assign a person to take them on a tour. Point any places that are hazardous, even if proper signage is up. Explain to new employees the nature of the hazard and if they need protective clothing in the area.

2. Instruct employees in a way to maintain the right posture to protect their backs.
People, who work at desks, keep your shoulders lined up with your hip to avert back issues. Any worker who has to pick something up needs to know the correct position of the back to avoid injury. So do not stoop or twist. Whenever possible use ergonomically designed furniture and equipment to protect your back. Ergonomic equipment and furniture help keep your muscular-skeletal system in the proper place.

3. Report unsafe conditions.
The span of management keeps getting larger. Managers have more difficulty walking through their areas to make sure all areas are safe. They are dependent on their workers to help find unsafe conditions. Safety is everyone’s job — as soon as you suspect a condition is not safe report it to your manager.

4. Be aware of your surroundings.
If you work on a factory floor, in the fulfillment center or a warehouse be aware of your surroundings. Forklifts are racing around keeping to their schedules and intersections are especially dangerous. Walk the floor with the same caution, you do when crossing the street at a busy intersection.

5. Dress for safety.
Always make sure you have the proper safety equipment on. Hard hats, goggles, ear protection, and other safety items significantly cut the amount of employee injuries and illnesses.

Managers who share these and other safety tips with their team show that they care about their employees past “legislative directions.” This caring attitude goes a long way towards employee safety awareness, less on the job injuries, and higher productivity thanks to improved morale.



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