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1 week ago · by · 0 comments

Backyard BBQ This Labor Day Weekend?

When you host neighborhood barbecues or invite your friends’ kids over to play in the yard, you could be responsible if someone gets hurt. Ensure you have premises liability insurance to protect your assets.

What is Premises Liability?

Visitors who suffer an injury while on your property could sue you. You could be responsible for their medical treatment, legal fees and other damages under premises liability laws. Before your next neighborhood party, verify your premise liability responsibility.

Know the Nature of the Injured Party

In general, visitors to your property fall into one of three categories. They may be a licensee, business invitee or trespasser. Your liability and responsibility for a visitor’s safety depend on their classification.


If you have invited or allowed a neighbor onto your property, they’re considered a licensee. You have the responsibility to take reasonable care to ensure a licensee’s safety. For example, if you know one of the deck steps is loose, you should fix the step, but if you run out of time, you can simply warn your neighbor of the danger and not be liable for any injuries.

Business Invitee

A neighbor who shops at your yard sale or stops by to discuss fixing your broken steps through her remodeling company falls into the category of a business invitee. In this case, you have invited them onto your property for business, and you must actively inspect your property for safety hazards, dangers and risks and repair any issues before a business invitee steps foot onto your property.


Someone who enters your property without a specific invitation or your implied permission is considered a trespasser. This category applies to the neighborhood kid who opens the gate and plays on your swingset when you’re not home or the neighbor who crashes your barbecue without an invitation. Typically, you don’t have to warn a trespasser of potential hazards around your home or make repairs to keep him or her safe. However, check your local laws because they may include different requirements.

Understand your Status as a Homeowner or a Possessor

Your status as a homeowner or property possessor determines your liability during a premises liability claim. For example, if you rent your home to a tenant, you might not be liable for injuries that occur on the property. Check your local laws to verify your responsibility.

Purchase Adequate Insurance

While you always want to remove hazards and dangers on your property before you invite the neighbors over, purchase homeowners insurance, too. It should have premises liability and adequate coverage for any liability. Your agent can help you analyze your assets and choose appropriate coverage limits that provide financial peace of mind.

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3 weeks ago · by · 0 comments

Freeze Your Credit

What is a Credit Report Freeze?

A credit report freeze allows you to restrict who can access your credit report. When a freeze is in place, only certain professional entities can see your information, and it’s less likely that an identity theft can access your data.

Ways a Credit Report Freeze Affects You

When you place a credit report freeze on your account, it affects you in several ways.

1. It prevents certain entities from accessing your credit report. This includes potential employers, mortgage companies and car dealers.

2. Existing creditors and any debt collection agencies they hire and government agencies responding to a court order or subpoena may continue to access your credit report.

3. You can continue to access your free annual credit report.

4. It does not affect your credit score.

5. You will continue to receive pre-screened credit offers for credit or insurance. Call 888-5OPTOUT (888-567-8688) or go online to if you wish to stop receiving these offers.

How to Place a Credit Report Freeze

Contact the three nationwide credit reporting companies to freeze your credit report.

To place a freeze, you must provide your name, birth date, Social Security number, address and other personal information. You will also have to pay a fee. It typically ranges from $5 to $10 but varies based on where you live.

How to Know if Your Credit Report Freeze is Successful

After placing a credit report freeze, you will receive a confirmation letter from the credit reporting company. It includes a unique password or PIN you will need if you ever choose to lift the freeze.

How to Lift a Credit Report Freeze

Your credit report freeze remains in place indefinitely. However, you may want to lift it so you can apply for a job or credit. To do that, simply contact the credit reporting company to request a lift. You will provide your password or PIN, pay a fee that varies by state and indicate if you want a temporary or permanent lift.

A credit report freeze can protect your personal data and identity. Consider monitoring your bank, insurance and credit card statements, though, too, and purchase cyber liability insurance as a further protective measure.  

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1 month ago · by · 0 comments

Riding a Bike to Work is Good for Your Health

Do you live within five miles of your workplace like half of all American workers? A 20-minute ride one way burns up to 3,000 calories (dependent on the rider, the uphills , etc) and provides key health benefits you’ll appreciate.

Boost Your Energy

Instead of waking up with coffee, tea or energy drinks, ride your bike. A recent study found that a low to moderately paced bike ride releases endorphins that boost your energy level by up to 20 percent and decrease your fatigue by 65 percent. That’s a big wake up call.

Increase Your Heart’s Health

Ride at a moderate to high intensity speed for 30 minutes at least three times a week, and watch your cholesterol and blood pressure drop in one year. You can easily achieve this goal simply by riding the long way home.
Protect Your Joints

Riding your bike is one low-impact exercise that’s perfect if you have joint conditions or leg, ankle, knee or hip injuries. If your knees aren’t bent at a 25-degree angle on your down pedal stroke, ask your bike shop professional for a saddle adjustment.

Improve Your Mental Health

There’s no denying that work and even daily life can be mentally challenging. Use your bicycling commute to regulate your emotions, combat depression and anxiety, prepare for the day or unwind after the day and improve your overall mental health.

Tone Your Muscles

Want to tone your arms, thighs and calves for summer? Riding a bike tones muscles you didn’t even know you had. The pedaling works your lower body, and you’ll tone your triceps and core by pedaling uphill while standing.

Boost Your Immune System

Exercise and fresh air support a healthy immune system. Plus, your body will be stronger and better able to fight germs inside and outside of the office.

Are you ready to jump on your bike and ride to work? Today and every day, gain healthy benefits and have fun simply by cycling. For additional tips on way to stay healthy, talk to your health insurance agent. 

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Scurich Insurance Services
Phone: (831) 661-5697
Fax: (831) 661-5741

783 Rio Del Mar Blvd., Suite7,
Aptos, Ca 95003-4700

PO Box 1170
Watsonville, CA 95077-1170

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(831) 661-5697

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