UPDATED: Covered CA Mandatory Health Insurance (Special Enrollment) Deadline is now April 30 2020. Covid-19 exemption qualifies.
If you did not know about the new law and the health insurance mandate (Affordable Care Act (Covered CA) , luckily you now have until April 30, 2020 to sign up for a quality health plan. Time is running out.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and conditions, the state allows this exemption as a special enrollment. It is not clear what the expiration date is at this time. Read more here – https://www.coveredca.com/individuals-and-families/getting-covered/special-enrollment/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-f6t2PuD6QIVFP5kCh2zTgmZEAAYASABEgIVN_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
This gives individuals and families a little more time to get health insurance. Applicants can cite COVID-19 as an exemption which will allow late entry into the program even though the open enrollment period has expired – apply on https://coveredca.com
Please get in touch with questions.
UPDATED 4/25/2020- We posted the wrong date and some important information was missing in the original post.
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