Possible discounts for your California teen driver
As parents, sometimes we never want our kids to grow up. It is no secret that adding a teen driver to your California auto insurance is a costly choice. In some cases, you might see your insurance premium double almost overnight when you add your teen. There is good reason for this jump in price as the Centers for Disease Controls (CDC) notes that car crashes are the top cause of death for people ages 15 to 19. There are ways you can save money though.
Take a Safe Driving Course
With accident rates disproportionately higher for teen drivers than for other segment of the population, more education can help tip the balance. Taking a safe driving course can give your teen valuable skills while teaching them to be a more defensive driver. Many insurance companies provide discounts for the successful completion of such a course.
Purchase an Older Car
While every teen wants a brand new sports car as their first set of wheels, the insurance on such a vehicle will be quite high — especially when combined with the hit your premium will take for having your teen on your insurance plan in the first place. Consider getting your freshly-minted teen driver an older set of wheels. While new cars tend to have safety features that many older cars lack, buying a used car that is a few years old can provide you with a good compromise.
Be a Good Student
Many insurance companies want to reward teens that are also good students. While the criteria can vary depending on the insurance company, if your student is on the honor roll or dean’s list, is in the top 20 percent of standardized tests or maintains a B average or above, they could be eligible for a significant discount on their insurance.
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