The summer months are quickly approaching, which means many families will be embarking on vacation getaways. Summer travel and readying the car for trips can be the most stressful part of the vacation.
Travelers recommends the following packing and driving tips for families hitting the road for vacation this summer.
Summer Travel Safety Tips |
During the summer months, many families embark on vacation getaways. Summer travel and readying the car for trips can be the most stressful part of the vacation. Travelers offers some packing and driving tips for families hitting the road for vacation this summer. |
of Americans taking a summer vacation
plan to drive
overloadWhen packing, the car can get filled quickly. Spread out the load so the weight is evenly distributed. |
Be a prepared
parentPack snacks, extra clothes and entertaining items that will keep your little ones in the back seat happy. |
Keep a
clear viewWhen packing your vehicle, make sure you maintain a proper line of sight with your mirrors and windows. |
Ready the
roof rackKnow your rack’s weight limit by checking the user’s manual. Recognize the height of your vehicle after packing to prevent damage or accidents. |
In 2011alone, over 3,000 people were killed in distracted driving crashes.‡ |
Know the routeFamiliarize yourself with the route before leaving for your trip. Relying solely upon GPS can lead to dangerous last minute turns and lane changes. |
Secure your petsUnsecured pets can become a distraction. Secure your pets appropriately and never let them run about the vehicle. |
Cruise carefullyCruise control can be a helpful tool, but be careful when using it on long trips, as it can make it easier for drivers to lose focus on the road. |
Take a breakWhen travelling long distances, it’s important to take frequent breaks to help maintain focus and avoid fatigue. |
†TripAdvisor, nc:‡ NHTSA: |
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