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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

4 Spring Cleaning Tips That Protect Your House

spring cleaningSpring cleaning does more than remove dirt and grime left over from winter. It also protects your house and reduces maintenance costs. So, try four spring cleaning tips this season as you cleanse your home. 

1. Wash walls, windows and baseboards.

Often overlooked during weekly cleaning, the walls, windows and baseboards of your home harbor plenty of dirt and dust. Wash them at least once a year to ensure they look nice and to protect their finish. 

*Move the furniture away from the walls, and wipe down the walls with a slightly damp cloth or magic eraser. 
*The baseboards are also easy to wash off with a damp cloth. A toothbrush reaches into all the crevices. 
*Use vinegar on the windows instead of glass cleaner to cut through accumulated dirt and prevent streaks. 

2. Scrub the carpet.

Accumulated dirt, pet dander and odors can quickly ruin your carpets. Instead of merely running the vacuum each week, deep clean the carpets at least once a year. You can easily rent a carpet cleaner and do the job yourself or hire a professional cleaner as you prolong the life of your floors. 

3. Care for furniture.

Modern or antique, your furniture will last longer when it’s free from dirt. Take time this spring to wipe off each piece from top to bottom. Use a soft cloth on wood to prevent scratches, and remember to spot treat dirty upholstery, flip the cushions and repair any tears or holes in the fabric.

4. Reduce clutter.

In addition to attracting pests and rodents, clutter reduces your ability to exit your home in an emergency. Commit to tossing or donating clutter like piles of books, excess furniture or anything you haven’t used in six months. Your home will thank you.

With these four spring cleaning tips, you’re able to reduce maintenance costs over time. So, look forward to protecting your home this season.


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