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10 years ago · by · 0 comments

Does Smoking Increase My Life Insurance Premiums?

Are you confident that your loved ones would have financial security if you were to die today? If not, consider purchasing life insurance. It pays a death benefit to your loved ones when you die, and it provides peace of mind and financial security to your survivors. Smoking, however, can limit your ability to afford life insurance.

Life Insurance is Based on Risk

Insurance companies offer a variety of policies, but they reserve the right to adjust rates based on risk factors. If you smoke or engage in other behavior that’s considered high-risk or unhealthy, expect to pay more for coverage.

Why is Smoking a Risk?

Whether you’ve smoked for years or recently picked up the habit, life insurance companies see you as high-risk. They base their perspective on two factors.

  1. Smoking increases potentially fatal health issues like cancer, heart disease, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.
  2. Smoking is the leading cause of premature death in the U.S. How Much More do Smokers Pay?

Every policy is different, but on average, smokers can expect to pay around 15 percent more for life insurance. So, if a non-smoker with a similar demographic and health pays $50 per month, a smoker could pay as much as $57.50.

Is There an Affordable Solution?

Before you give up on finding affordable life insurance, shop around. Your insurance agent can assist you in finding the most affordable life insurance premium.

Additionally, remember that insurance companies factor in how long you’ve smoked and how much you smoke. While their preferred rates may not go into effect until you’ve been nicotine-free for 12 or more months, you can start maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle now by enrolling in a smoking cessation program.

You may also find affordable premium rates if you bundle your life insurance with other policies like health, home and auto.

Talk to your insurance agent today. Find the most affordable life insurance policy for you, and give your loved ones financial peace of mind.


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Scurich Insurance Services
Phone: (831) 661-5697
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