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5 years ago · by · 0 comments

Inexpensive ways to boost curb appeal for your home.

With COVID-19 forcing non-essential workers to work from home, home prices are seeing an upward trend. Recent builders reports are showing a fast upward trend in new construction.

Inventory is dipping, prices are going up and people are looking to upgrade to slightly bigger homes so that they can work from home comfortably.

Most have heard the wise adage about not judging a book by its cover. However, like it or not, first impressions are lasting. For example, a potential buyer pulls up to your home for sale. Their initial judgment is based on if they like what they see on the exterior, or curb appeal. Since most buyers won’t even get to the interior if they don’t like the exterior, first impressions are of the utmost importance concerning real estate.

Updating the exterior of your home is an excellent way to add curb appeal to older, drab, and outdated homes. This is true whether you’re building equity in your home over the long-term, planning to sell, or just looking for a DIY project. The cost, time, and labor associated with curb appeal projects vary greatly. That said, there are multiple weekend warrior projects that will give your home a simple facelift, but not break your back or wallet during the process, such as:

1. Front Door. Replacing a worn, outdated door can add instantaneous curb appeal with just a few hours of work. A decorative door with hand carved elements or glass work can add interest and help set your home apart. A cheaper option is to update your existing door with a bright, fresh, complementary paint color. In most cases, you shouldn’t be afraid of bolder colors that, again, can help set your home apart. You can always consult a color expert or decorator if you’re unsure about how a color will work.

2. Entry Way. Consider staining or painting your concrete walkway, porch, and/or steps at your home’s entry, but be sure that the paint/stain you select at the home improvement store is specifically for concrete. You can rent or buy a power washer to thoroughly clean stone and brick entry ways. You can use paving stones, stepping stones, or brick to make a quick, relatively inexpensive walkway if you don’t already have one.

3. Trim, Shutters, and Molding. Adding a fresh coat of paint to the trim that frames your windows can help give your home character, an eye-catching pop of color, and highlight the size and number of windows. Adding shutters or window boxes can give the home some dimension and depth from the street. You might also consider adding prefabricated molding. It comes in a variety of different styles and easily attaches to the front of the home.

4. Greenery. Adding some attractive greenery is a cheap, quick, and easy way to add curb appeal. It’s okay if you don’t have a green thumb. Plant nurseries carry a variety of low-maintenance, ready-to-plant or ready-to-hang plants that will require little of you. On the other hand, if your yard is looking more like a jungle than a yard, then it’s time to get the yard equipment out. Foliage can be an asset when it’s complimentary, but can easily become a negative when overgrown and obstructive.

5. Welcome Home. Add some welcome home accessories that match the style of your home, such as light fixtures, a porch swing or seating area, door knob, mailbox, and welcome mat.


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