Lower Your ATV Insurance Premium With Seven Tips
Riding ATVs with your buddies or family combines the thrill of the great outdoors with the power of a four wheeling machine. Insurance protects your investment if it’s damaged or stolen, and some riding clubs require insurance before they’ll allow you to join. Lower your ATV insurance premiums with seven tips.
1. Buy a utility model. Sporty models or ATVS with bells and whistles look and ride nice, but they may cost more to insure. Utility models are often economical to insure. Likewise, keep in mind that the ATV’s mileage, condition and age also affect your premium.
2. Take a safety course. Most ATV dealers offer safety courses that include a book test and riding instruction. Your insurance company may reward you and anyone who shares your machine for knowing how to navigate your ATV safely in all terrains.
3. Maintain a clean driving record. Your insurance premium stays low when you operate the ATV safely and only on grounds where you have permission to ride legally.
4. Store your ATV safely. Locking your toy in the garage and installing an anti-theft device on it can reduce your insurance costs.
5. Compare policies. Different insurance companies offer different deductibles, coverage options and rates, so take your time and comparison shop.
6. Use one company for all your insurance needs. Most companies give you a discount when you combine, home, auto and ATV insurance.
7. File claims only when you have to. You pay for insurance so that you can file a claim if you have to, but don’t file for every little damage or your premium will rise.
If you love riding your ATV, make sure it’s properly insured. Then, use these seven tips to obtain a lower premium. Call us today for additional information on how we can help you find the affordable ATV insurance coverage you need.
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