Stay Safe during Your Holiday Travel
With the passing of Halloween, the majority of Americans will begin to plan their festivities and travels for the upcoming holiday season. While many look forward to the joyous tune in the winter atmosphere, few realize the need to be extra careful when traveling in terms of insurance coverage. A few days away from the house can translate into fires, burglaries, and even damage from the weather. The awesome trip through the woods to Grandmother’s house can turn into a nightmare without proper auto insurance, and of course, the winter makes you more likely to become ill during your holiday travels. Before you plan out what you’ll be doing for Christmas and Thanksgiving, take the time to evaluate your insurance policies.
Auto Insurance
Although state laws require that all drivers maintain liability insurance for at-fault accidents with other drivers, you need to be aware that uninsured drivers will be on the road with you. If you have an accident, you may be stuck with a repair bill or injury that is not covered. Before taking the care across country for the holidays, consider purchasing underinsured or uninsured motorist protection. Uninsured motorist protections cover you if the other driver’s financial responsibility falter or don’t exist.
Homeowner’s Insurance
What goes together better than cookies and hot cocoa? Burglars and empty homes. When you travel this holiday season, remember that your home could be the next target of a break-in. While it’s beneficial to purchase a home security system or service, you need to have an insurance policy to cover your belongings as well as your home. In addition, the risk for fires increases during the winter, so check to see if your current homeowner’s policy covers house fires.
Health Insurance
Sledding all day is a fun and exciting thing to do while visiting friends or relatives away from your home, but what happens if you, your children, or your spouse get sick? Check to see if your health insurance policy will cover visits to emergency centers, hospitals, or other clinics in whatever state or city you will be traveling to. Furthermore, make sure you are up-to-date on your immunizations prior to holiday travel.
If you’re planning a trip this holiday season, you need to take some special considerations in regards to your insurance policies. Make sure your home, vehicle, and the health of yourself and your family will be covered if something happens during your holiday travel.
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