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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Five Effective Landscaping Tricks That Protect Your Home From Burglars

Roughly two million burglaries occur each year. Protect your home and family when you implement five landscaping tricks that don’t compromise your home’s exterior appearance or value.

1. Place Hostile Plants by Entryways
Burglars typically target easily accessible windows and doors. By placing hostile plants loaded with thorns, briars and brambles near these entryways, you discourage potential burglars. Several hostile plants to consider include roses, holly, raspberries, bird’s nest spruces, needle bushes and Spanish bayonet. 

2. Trim Shrubbery Near the House
Overgrown shrubs, bushes and flowering plants look untidy, and they give burglars plenty of places to hide. They also prevent neighbors and anyone on the street from seeing suspicious behavior near your home. Protect your home when you keep shrubbery trimmed to lower than three feet tall all along the exterior of your home. Remember to trim plants away from the sides of your home too. 

3. Use Noisy Ground Cover
Burglars try to be as quiet as possible, but noisy ground cover around your windows and doors alerts you to their every move. Pea gravel or other crunching stones do the trick, and you can find these burglar deterrents in colors that match your existing landscaping. 

4. Install Short Privacy Fencing
Tall fences and tree barriers increase privacy, but they also obscure burglars. Install short fencing with an open design instead. If you already planted trees or shrubs, trim them so that the canopy starts at eight feet or higher off the ground. 

5. Turn on the Lights
Most outdoor landscaping includes lighting of some sort. Opt for strategically placed motion-activated lighting as you reduce your chances of being burglarized. Place these lights near all your doors and windows and along pathways. They frighten burglars away and warn you when someone walks near your home.

Your home’s landscaping adds beauty and value to your property. It also deters burglars. Talk to your insurance agent today and discuss additional landscaping tricks that deter burglars and protect your home.

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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Top 3 Insurance New Year Resolutions

Comfort ZoneWith the new year comes the tendency to make resolutions that are designed to help a person address what they perceive to be as their own shortcomings. While resolutions such as “exercise more” and “lose weight” are often at the top of the list, these types of resolutions often fall by the wayside all too soon after the first of the year. The following insurance resolutions for the new year are simple to implement and can have long lasting effects.

1. Purchase Life Insurance

This is a resolution that should be on everyone’s list but it does not always seem to make it to fruition. Make 2015 the year you talk to your insurance agent and find the ideal life insurance plan for your circumstances and your budget. You’ll rest easier at night knowing that your loved ones are taken care of and your assets are protected.

2. Take a Fresh Look at Your Homeowners Insurance

Did you or a member of your family receive an expensive gift this holiday season? If so, you might want to take a look at the deductibles that you previously chose for your homeowners insurance. While a high deductible often looks attractive because it can make your payments lower, if it is too high it can be difficult to replace items that are covered unless you dip into savings or other monetary reserves.

3. Does it Make Sense to Bundle?

If you have insurance with more than one company, you could be missing out on significant savings. Most insurance companies have a bundle plan that allows you to save money if you have more than one policy with them. Much like car insurance policies that give you a multi-car discount, bundling your insurances with one company can often allow you to enjoy savings on your policies.



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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Is your Rental Property Covered Under Your Home Insurance?

Scurich Insurance Services, CA, RentInvesting in rental property is an exciting and cost-effective venture for many people. Savvy individuals are able to charge enough rent to offset the mortgage payment of the rental property, allow for maintenance costs and provide a bit of a profit at the end. In order to protect your investment, however, you need to have an adequate amount of insurance.

Many people assume that their homeowners insurance covers their rental properties as well. It pays to do your research into the subject now before something catastrophic occurs and you find yourself in a financial crisis. Having the right kind and amount of insurance can protect you now and long into the future.

While having homeowners insurance for your rental home is required by almost all lenders who provide you with a mortgage, a traditional policy might not be the best option for your rental property. Here are three points to keep in mind when deciding what type of insurance best suits your needs.

1. Unless you are renting the home out as being fully furnished, you will not need to insure the contents of it. Instead, that responsibility falls to the renter in the form of renter’s insurance.

2. It is highly likely that you will need more liability insurance. With the title of ‘landlord’ comes an increased sense of responsibility. In the event that your tenants are injured while on the property, you will likely need to bear some responsibility. Even if it is due to an event beyond your control, such as the weather, you should plan for the additional responsibility. Your insurance agent can be a valuable guide in this matter.

3. If you are like most landlords, you depend on the rent you receive from your tenants. Consider an insurance policy that specifically protects you from the loss of this income. If you ever experience such a loss, you will be glad to have it.

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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Are Your Jewels Insured?

RingValued at $46.2 million, the Graff Pink diamond is one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in the world. Your jewelry box might not hold anything that priceless, but you certainly want to insure your valuable or sentimental pieces, including the diamond cufflinks you wore at your wedding or your grandmother’s ruby brooch. 

1. Hire an Independent Appraiser

An independent appraiser will carefully and thoroughly inspect each piece of jewelry you own, and he or she will then determine the exact value of your works of art. Be sure to obtain a signed document that includes a detailed description and appraiser’s value for each piece. 

2. Check Your Current Insurance Policy

Most homeowner or renter insurance policies include cash value or replacement coverage for personal belongings. As long as that figure is high enough to cover everything you own, including your real jewelry, you’re set. 

3. Purchase a Rider

If your current policy does not cover your valuable gems, purchase a rider. It offers additional coverage for your precious collection. 

4. Take Pictures of all Your Pieces

The police need detailed descriptions of your jewelry if a piece is lost or stolen. Take detailed pictures of each piece to increase the likelihood of recovery.

5. Update Your Inventory Regularly

Once you’re sure your jewelry is adequately insured, mark your calendar for an annual inventory review. Add new pieces you recently purchased and remove pieces you sold or gave away to ensure your collection is completely covered. 

6. Inspect Your Jewelry

As part of your annual review; take your jewelry for an inspection. The jeweler will look for loose settings, chips or scratches. Take new pictures after any needed repairs are made. 

7. Store Your Jewelry in a Safe Place

Insurance will replace your real jewelry if it’s lost, stolen or damaged, but don’t take chances. A fireproof safe hidden in your home or a safety deposit box at the bank protects your gems, especially if you own expensive pieces that you wear only on rare occasions.

You do not want to file a claim for stolen jewelry and find out it wasn’t insured. Follow these tips and talk to your insurance agent today as you protect your valuable collection.

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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Insurance Tips That Protect All the Priceless Holiday Presents You Receive

Christmas gift and baubles on defocused lights backgroundWhether you received valuable collectibles or heirloom jewelry, you’ll want to insure these holiday presents. Your homeowners or renters insurance policy may provide coverage for some of your new items, but anything above the existing coverage limit requires a personal articles floater. Consider specific gifts that you’ll want to insure this year.

Jewelry: Your homeowners insurance policy should cover jewelry valued at less than $2,000. However, appraised jewelry that’s more valuable will require a floater.

Furs: From a real fur jacket to a fake fur-trimmed hat, add any furs you receive to your homeowners insurance policy.

Fine Art: Paintings, sculptures, rare books, manuscripts, ornamental collectibles, glasses and antique furniture fall under the fine art category. Record these items and their value on an itemized schedule attached to your insurance policy.

Electronics: Laptops, cameras, TVs and other electronic devices, plus telescopes, video recording equipment and films, are typically included in your existing homeowners or renters insurance policy. If these items are high-end, consider a floater.

Coins or Stamps: Depending on their value, you’ll want to add a floater for new coins or stamps in your collection.

Musical Instruments: List any musical instruments, including sound equipment, on a floater.

China, Crystal or Silverware: List these items on a schedule and include the insurance coverage amount.

Sporting Goods: Bicycles, golf equipment, guns and other sporting goods fall under your existing insurance policy unless they’re collectible, rare or expensive.

Tools: Insured under your homeowners or renters policy, your new tools won’t need a floater unless they exceed the value of your existing coverage.

As with everything in your home inventory, record a detailed description, serial number, purchase date, value and picture of your new holiday presents. Store copies of this information with your insurance policy in a fireproof safe and in a secure location other than your home.

Go ahead and enjoy your new holiday presents. Just remember to check with your insurance agent to be sure they’re covered.

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9 years ago · by · 0 comments

Home Insurance for the Holidays

While central California does not need to be concerned with a great deal of the adverse weather that is experienced by other areas of the country, there are still plenty of hazards that can pop up unexpectedly during the holidays. By taking a proactive approach, you can make sure that no matter what happens, you – as well as your friends and family who visit your home during the holidays – is protected.

Decorating Debacles

No matter how carefully you plan, there is always the possibility that something could go awry while you are decorating. Slips on steep basement steps to retrieve decorations, ladders that move unexpectedly and falls from roof top perches are just a few of the common issues that can put a damper on these otherwise festive weeks. Ensuring that you have the right kind of home insurance – and adequate amounts of it with a manageable deductible – can help ease the inconvenience and pain of any holiday injuries.

Protect Your Guests

As a host to your friends and family, you want to provide a safe and happy experience. Sometimes, though, things are beyond your control and accidents happen. Whether it is something like a guest who loses their grip and takes a tumble down your stairs or one that slips on a rain-slicked sidewalk, you can rest easier knowing that you have the insurance that is required to cover their expenses. Having that safety net also helps ensure that your friendship survives this unfortunate event.

Helps You Deal with Devastating Loss

The holiday season sees an alarming uptick in the number of home fires. Whether this is the result of cooking accidents in the kitchen, overloaded electrical circuits or unattended candles, you will be able to weather these incidences more easily because you have homeowner’s insurance. While starting over after a devastating fire is difficult, ensuring that you have the money to do so can provide you with a measure of comfort.

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Scurich Insurance Services
Phone: (831) 661-5697
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