The FBI Says 2,159,878 Burglaries Occurred In 2010!
Homeowners insurance in California, is a necessity when it comes to buying a house. In fact, most mortgage companies will not finance a real estate transaction unless you provide proof that you have the proper coverage for most if not all of the property you intend to purchase.
Over the next few weeks, Scurich Insurance Services would like to give you a few tips when it comes to purchasing homeowners insurance as well as some cost saving ideas that can actually help reduce your insurance costs.
This week we will be taking a look into the world of security systems and how they can affect your homeowner’s insurance policy.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), there were approximately 2,159,878 burglaries across the United States in 2010. 60.5 percent of these burglaries involved forcible entry, 33.2 percent were unlawful entries, and the last 6.3 percent were forcible entry attempts. (1) SEE BELOW.
One of the most effective ways to detour intruders is to obtain and install a home security system. Typically the alarms systems are monitored 24/7 by either the alarm company itself or by a local police station, it admits a loud noise that will typically detour a home intruder.
In fact, a burglar alarm that is monitored by a central station, or that is tied directly to a local police station, will help lower the homeowner’s annual premiums, perhaps by 5% or more. In order to obtain the discount, the homeowner must typically provide proof of central monitoring in the form of a bill or a contract with the insurance company. (2) SEE BELOW.
Protect yourself and loved ones by installing an in-home security system, and don’t forget to make sure that your homeowner insurance policy is up-to-date. If you would like to see what type of insurance discounts you are eligible for simply contact the professionals at Scurich Insurance Services located in Watsonville, California today at 800-320-3666, or fill out the form below and we would be happy to assist you.
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